
Bötzinger forest adventure trail


At the playground in Erlenschachenwald is the starting point for the 2 km long Bötzinger forest adventure trail for groups, school classes or families with children. The entire path is designed for prams and has 10 stations. The ant Fridolin accompanies the visitors the whole way with information boards on which there is information or interesting things to read about ants or the forest.

There are various stations along the way where small tasks have to be solved. On one station z. B. To make jumps. Here you can try out whether they jump like a wood mouse, like a frog, a hare or a deer. There is also an ant nest where you can climb through corridors. On a barefoot path you can feel an ant walking in the forest. Then a stream has to be crossed.

There are puzzles to be solved in the forest classroom about the water cycle and the build of the ants. Fridolin also shows how foresters measure tree heights, and then there are e.g. B. another station to measure forces. There you can test who is stronger, the ants or the people. There is a lot more to learn in the forest with Fridolin. At the Erlenschachen forest playground, you can have a picnic before or after.

The forest adventure trail is very interesting and shows you with the ant Fridolin a lot of interesting facts about the forest and the life of ants. The path was created through a cooperation between the teachers and students of the Wilhelm August Lay School, Badenova and the municipality of Bötzingen and shows the forest through the eyes of an ant.

Approach to the forest adventure trail

  • If you drive to Bötzingen by car or bus, you can go from Frankfurt via Karlsruhe direction Basel From the A5 take the Teningen Eichstetten exit. Coming from the south from Basel towards Karlsruhe, take the Freiburg Mitte/Umkirch exit on the A5. When arriving by car/bus, drive in this direction Breisach Ihringen-Wasenweiler. At the end of the village, turn left and follow the signs for the Bötzingen forest adventure trail. Parking is available in front of the Bötzinger forest adventure trail.
  • By public transport you can reach Bötzingen with line 729 of the Breisgau S-Bahn. You can use it to travel from Freiburg to Gottenheim and change to line 101. You can find information on the timetable on the Internet at or with the electronic timetable information.
  • On foot or by bike you can find the forest adventure trail from the Bötzingen train station through Pilsenstrasse and Waldstrasse, past the indoor tennis court over the cycle path along the Murrgraben to the Erlenschachen playground.

Bötzingen is a municipality in the Breisgau Hochschwarzwald tourist region and is located in the sunny region of the southern Baden triangle of the cities of Freiburg, Emmendingen and Breisach. 

Images courtesy of the community of Bötzingen and Stefan Asal


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