Alemanni Museum Vörstetten

Alemanni Museum Vörstetten


The Alemanni Museum in Vörstetten focuses on the 4th and 5th centuries in Breisgau. The exhibition is based on excavations that were carried out in 1991, 1998-2000 and 2007 under the direction of the Monument Office. The museum is divided into an indoor and an outdoor area. The (everyday) life of the Alemanni is shown in the museum building. The history of the Alemanni and the excavations are themed on the first floor. You can see original finds that came to light during the excavations. Reconstructed men's and women's clothing can both be touched and tried on yourself. Various handicraft techniques such as weaving, turning, forging and bone carving are shown on the upper floor. Food and agriculture are also discussed. You can try out the craft yourself on a reconstructed loom and a lathe.
In the outdoor area there is a reconstruction of a stable house, unique in Baden-Württemberg, based on the excavation results in Vörstetten.
The outdoor area includes a reconstructed clay oven, a Roman corner, pottery workshop, Rutenberg and a show garden in which old types of grain, vegetables and herbs are grown.
On project days and the museum day, various handicraft techniques such as dyeing, turning or weaving boards are demonstrated.

The museum opened at the beginning of July 2009 after a five-year planning and construction period. The museum is run by the Vörstetten eV Museum and History Association, which is recognized as a non-profit organization.


Alemanni Museum Vörstetten

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