Cassiopeia Therme Badenweiler


Location: Badenweiler

Located in the south of the Black Forest is the Cassiopeia Therme, which attracts visitors from all over the world with its lavish wellness program.

The different Thermal baths, including a domed bath, a marble bath and an outdoor swimming pool, pamper visitors with comfortably warm and mineralized thermal water. Millennia-old European bathing culture from the Roman Empire can be enjoyed in the Roman-Irish bath, the healing effect of which is particularly supported by the alternation between warm and hot air rooms and a cold swimming pool. The wellness oasis enchants with numerous treatments, including massages, peelings, hammam and rasul baths and promotes the well-being of body and soul. A visit to the in-house bistro with its delicious, healthy dishes rounds off the perfect feel-good day.

More thermal baths, pools & lakes

Image courtesy of Cassiopeia Therme