Kohlerhof mountain restaurant

Kohlerhof mountain restaurant


The wonderfully located Berggasthaus Kohlerhof is located just off the hiking trail from Schauinsland - Gießhübel - Münstertal to Staufen. The direct access by car is via the Kohlerweg from Ehrenstetten and is 7km long. A circular hike of around 7 km can be started at Gießhübel and leads there on partly steep forest paths down to the Kohlerhof. The effort is complemented by a beautiful view of the surrounding area Munster Valley and for Ballon compensated.

From the terrace of the Berggasthaus Kohlerhof you have a very nice view of the Rhine Valley and across to Geiersnest.

Helga Flugauf

Kohlerweg 13

79238/XNUMX/XNUMX Ehrenkirchen

Phone: 07602 / 245

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