
Green forest – forest management in the background


As you walk through the well-tended forest, you can enjoy the green of the trees, the happiness of the birds and the untouched nature. The pleasing sight of the forest is only possible because forest officials take care of its maintenance. They almost always work inconspicuously and are hardly noticed by society. Good advice only becomes expensive when the forester is suddenly missing, because then everything in the forest grows uncontrollably. Join us on a journey into the world of forestry. We'll tell you where hands are being put into the forest.

Forestry machines in use – used sustainably and efficiently

Without the right equipment, foresters cannot work. Since the protection of the forest should be ensured as sustainably as possible, forest officials can now do theirs Leasing a forestry machine and use as needed. This creates less CO2 because a new machine does not have to be built for every forestry operation. In addition, the costs for the forestry department can be reduced. Leasing gives forestry companies access to modern technology and provides all the necessary equipment, from the harvester for gentle tree felling to the forwarding.

Optimal tree harvest with sustainable forestry management

Worldwide the tree populations are declining, which poses particular challenges for forestry officials. You are encouraged to fell trees with natural health in mind. The use of suitable machines (harvesters) helps to avoid damaging the remaining crop and to work more efficiently. When it comes to reforestation, the task of foresters is to maintain biodiversity and provide young trees with the best possible growth conditions.

Tree doctors – caring for individual plants is part of the forester’s job

If a tree becomes diseased, it spreads Pests like the bark beetle quickly without external intervention. One of the tasks of forest management is to look after forest stands and protect them from diseases. To achieve this, foresters carry out regular inspections and react immediately in the event of a pest infestation. Depending on the type of disease and pest, the forester has to use a harvester to specifically remove diseased trees from circulation. This ensures that the healthy forest population remains. Bounce at one Walk through the Black Forest on a visibly diseased tree, inform the nearest forestry department.

Obtaining and selling raw materials – foresters ensure the supply of wood

In a well-developed forest, the trees reach “cutting maturity” after several decades. In forester German, this means that they are ripe for felling. It is part of the forester's job to harvest, dry and ultimately sell wood. This involves a lot of office work, as wood prices have to be calculated, offers have to be written and planned. Clearcuts are no longer the measure of things today; modern forestry relies on small-scale regeneration.

Such an operation often lasts several days. With the wood harvester, the selected trees are fixed, delimbed and prepared directly for transport. The forwarder helps bring the extracted wood to the (temporary) storage location. During a walk in the forest you have probably come across tree trunks sorted in piles at the edge of the forest. The felled trees are stored here to dry or wait to be picked up, processed and sold.

Maintaining a forest means a lot of work for forest officials. The cliché sees the forester as the man with a green hat and a forest dachshund. He walks through the forest all day, scolds passersby and goes home again. The practice looks different. Modern technology and climatic challenges have changed the everyday work of foresters. You hardly see them in everyday life. However, if you are happy about a well-kept forest, thank the forester, because that was his work.

Image courtesy of Roksana

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